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"There are many mysteries to be solved, many answers to be found for questions which have puzzled Scientists for centuries."

- Dr. Josef Issels

  Cancer specialist & Author


We understand that the medical and scientific communities do not recognize or acknowledge the validity of Geopathic stress. The information and studies provided on this resource page do not adhere to the medical community's standard of care, as well as the scientific community's research standards. However, in Europe, over the last 90 years, well-respected researchers and medical doctors have recognized, investigated, and documented the impact of Geopathic stress on human beings.

What experts say...

Gustav Von Pohl
"One will not get cancer unless one spends some time in Geopathic Stress places, e.g., lying in one’s bed."

Gustav Freiherr von Pohl (born in 1873), a German baron, made his year-long research public with a bang, as he tested a small South German town, Vilsbiburg, between 13 December 1928 and 19 January 1929.  His theory is that ‘one will not get cancer unless one spends some time in Geopathic Stress places, e.g. lying in one’s bed’. He devised a scale from 1-16 and found that any Geopathic Stress lines above the strength of 9 were cancer-inducing. This was proved to the satisfaction of the Central Committee for Cancer Research in Berlin, who subsequently published his findings. In 1930, he read a paper to the Medical Congress in Munich, which inspired many doctors to carry out their own research. 

Source: Geopathology Research Institute, Singapour

Geopathic Stress research

Earth Radiation by Kate Bachler > Buy on Amazon


Earth Currents: Causative Factors of Cancer and Other Diseases by Gustav Freiherr Von Pohl

Buy on Amazon

Geopathic Stress: How Earth Energies Affect Our Lives by Jane Thurnell-Read > Buy on Amazon

Geopathic Stress: A Threat to the Built Environment > Read

Background of Geopathic Stress by > Read

Effect of Geopathic Stress and its Correction on the Human Body and Machinery Breakdown> Read

Effect of geopathic stress zone on human body voltage and skin resistance > Read

Use of Dowsing and Geo-Resistivity Meter For Detection of Geopathic Stress Zone > Read

An Overview of the Impact of Geopathic Stress on Environment and Human Health > Read

Moving away persons with Asthma from a Geopathic Zone (Dowsing Technique): How are they after? > Read

Advances in Residential Design Related to the Influence of Geomagnetism > Read

Geopathic Stress (Wikipedia) - Link

Dr. Geo - The Hazard of Geopathic Stress on the Human Body  > Link

Ancient Chinese wisdom

Radiation articles

Radiation Health Effects  > Link

Ionizing Radiation and Health Effects, The World Health Organization  > Link

Backgrounder on Biological Effects of Radiation  Link

PEMF resources

The Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF) Book: An introduction to current research & developments  by Siddharth Agrawal Buy on Amazon

PEMF Therapy: A Beginner's 5-Step Quick Start Guide, By Felicity Paulman

> Buy on Amazon

Power Tools For Health, William Pullack > Buy on Amazon


PEMF therapy for Depression & Anxiety by Link


PEMF therapy for Digestive Health and Nutrition by Link

PEMF therapy for Back Pain and Spine Health by Link

Electromagnetic Field Therapy: A Rehabilitative Perspective in the Management of Musculoskeletal Pain – A Systematic Review Link

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Stimulation of Bone Healing and Joint Preservation: Cellular Mechanisms of Skeletal Response Link

Sleep resources

Why We Sleep, Mathew Walker  on YouTub(Sleep hygiene discussion begins at 1:38:22)

Why We Sleep, Mathew Walker > Buy on Amazon

The Sleep Revolution, Arianna Huffington > Buy on Amazon

The Sleep Solution, W. Chris Winter MD > Buy on Amazon 

Bioresonanz According to Paul Schmidt, Professor Dietmar Heimes  > Buy on Amazon

Other resources

Cracking the Stem Cell Code: Adult Stem Cells Hold the Promise of Miraculous Wellness,

Christian Drapeau > Buy on Amazon

Guide Pratique d'Utilisations de L'Antenne de Lecher, Dominique Coquelle > Buy on Amazon

Cancer: A Second Opinion, Dr. Josef Issels > Buy on Amazon

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