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"Earth radiation affects our bodily functions, including pulse rate, heartbeat frequency, and electrical skin resistance."

Dr. Otto Bergmann,

Lung specialist, lecturer & author

University of Vienna Study (1989)

Human health is connected to the earth

Environmental stress = Human Stress

Ancient wisdom emphasized the avoidance of environmentally stressed zones of the planet.

When a fruit tree grows in a geological disturbance zone, it usually doesn't bear fruit. Similarly, like a tree unable to avoid such a zone, people who spend long hours without moving in areas affected by Geopathic Stress can experience its harmful effects. This highlights the importance of having a disturbance-free sleep location.

Geopathic Stress tree

Tree Tumor


Weakened resistance to pathogens caused by stimulating, negative earth rays.

Bioresonance, According to Paul Schmidt, Author Dietmar Heimes

Tree Tumor


Weakened resistance to pathogens caused by stimulating, negative earth rays.

Tree tumor

What is Geopathic Stress and should you be concerned about it?

Geopathic Stress Diagram (1) copy_edited
water radiation angle drawing
Photo:  Geopathic Zones, Luise Weidel - 2000

Our earth emits positive and negative energies. The negative rays are called Geopathic Stress.  These rays appear in a grid-like pattern of ultra-high frequency vertical radiation rising invisibly like a wall through steel and concrete (the impact can be felt from basement to penthouse).

Sleeping over one of these negative zones can interfere with our well-being. 

In today's built environment, it is almost impossible (according to Paul Schmidt), to avoid Geopathic stress.

GEOSHIELD Sleep is the only sleep system designed to offer 100% protection from what you don't want - negative stimulation - while enhancing what you do want - restorative sleep.

Resting on Bed

Sleeping over Geopathic radiation is like sleeping with the lights on!

Paul Durieux

Founder of Geoshield, Inc.

Could poor-quality sleep be a precursor to chronic illness?

"Geopathic Stress doesn't cause
illness, but rather it lowers a
person's immunity
, exerting a
continuous stress on the DNA.
From 1953-1993 (40 years)
researchers were unable to find a cancer patient whose bed
location was not affected by
noxious earth rays."

Veronika Carstens, MD

how geopathic stress can impact chronic illness

Potential Symptoms

Sleep Disorders



Pregnancy Complications



Fussy Baby Syndrome


Lowered Immune Function

Food +



Chronic disease



At Geoshield, we take sleep seriously.

We don't propose to 'clear', 'balance', 'harmonize' or 'transform'  Geopathic radiation.

Our patented Sleep System blocks 100% 
of ionizing EMFs with industry-proven 
radiation shielding.

We combined this with 

our PEMF Sleep Entrainment  
to help optimize safe and restorative sleep.


Paul Durieux
Founder, Geoshield Inc.

Take the Geoshield Stress Test  

Discover if Geopathic Stress may be negatively impacting your sleep and holding you back from living your best life.

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