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Your questions answered...

1/What results can I expect from a GEOSHIELD Sleep mat?

The GEOSHIELD Sleep provides effective shielding against unwanted stimulation from vertical ionizing radiation where you sleep while delivering essential vital Schumann resonance. The results are enhanced deeper sleep and the benefits of that. GEOSHIELD Sleep mat is not a panacea; it helps optimize a healthy lifestyle by supporting restorative sleep. You can expect noticeable benefits within as little as several days, up to several weeks. Results will vary based on length of exposure to Geopathic stress, sleep hygiene, diet, chronic health issues, pH*, and dental infections*.

​(*according to authors Dr. Paul Schmidt and Dr. Josef Issels)

2/Does the GEOSHIELD Sleep mat help resolve sensitivities to EHS/EMF sensitivity (Electro Hypersensitivity/Electromagnetic sensitivity?)

Yes, some people using a GEOSHIELD mat will notice over time decreased sensitivity. The GEOSHIELD Sleep mat is designed to address VERTICAL Ionizing Radiation (VIR) in the high range on the EMF spectrum.  If you suffer from sensitivity to HORIZONTAL Non-ionizing man-made EMFs. i.e. dirty electricity, WiFi, smart meters, 3, 4, and 5G, you may consider shielding from the low range of the EMF spectrum.

3/ If I experience Therapy Resistance could this explain why I derive minimal benefit from daytime PEMF therapy, even after extended use?

Yes, and this may also explain why other efforts may have limited effect i.e., Sleep, diet, exercise, meditation, and so on. Geopathic radiation may be an overlooked, underlying contributing factor to “why no matter what you try, nothing seems to be working.” 

4/ How can I know if I am sleeping in a geopathically-stressed location?

According to Paul Schmidt**, (Building Biology Specialist/Engineer), “the distribution of negative earth energies inevitably causes a disturbance point in almost every sleep location.” You can hire a qualified Radiesthesist (dowser) to survey your sleep environment. Alternatively, you can audit your sleep patterns with our GEOSHIELD Stress Test.

5/ How can I know if I need the GEOSHIELD Sleep mat?

It will depend on the quality of your sleep and how well you feel. Your score on the GEOSHIELD Stress Test can also help you determine if you need one. (Keep in mind that a high score can be attributed to exposure to Geopathic rays where you sleep, or a lack of beneficial Schumann resonance due to the rebar reinforced concrete foundation in the building you live in, or a combination of both).

6/ If I am exposed to Geopathic radiation how may this impact my overall well-being?

According to Jane Thurnell Reid, Researcher & Dowsing specialist in Geopathic Stress, “When a person sleeps or sits above negative radiation this exposure results in Geopathic Stress. The body is constantly struggling to cope, resulting in the production of large quantities of stress hormones. Geopathic Stress can have a debilitating effect on the body, leaving it susceptible to bacteria and viruses.” 

7/ How can I know if where I live is blocking essential earth frequencies (Schumann resonance)?

Buildings built after 1958 are constructed with rebar reinforced concrete, relative to building codes. However, there are buildings constructed before that time that have rebar reinforced concrete as well. You would need to inquire into the records of the building or ask an expert to verify this for you.

8/ Can you explain what impact the 'built environment' has on sleep?

Human brain waves are synchronized to the frequency emitted by the Earth (Schumann resonance). As the earth rotates away from the sun, the Schumann frequency lowers and at the same time, our brainwave activity normally lowers to prepare us for sleep. As the earth rotates towards the sun, the Schumann frequency increases and so do our brainwaves, preparing us for activity. The built environment may cut us off from this vital Schumann resonance. ​PEMF is a technology that emits frequencies that can be used to replace Schumann resonance loss due to the Faraday Effect created by rebar reinforced concrete.

9/ What is the difference between EMF and GEOPATHIC radiation?

EMF (Electromagnetic Frequencies) encompasses a scale from extremely low to ultra-high frequency. Geopathic radiations are naturally occurring LOW INTENSITY, and range from medium to ultra-high frequency on the EMF scale. They can include IONIZING radiations, such as Gamma and X-Ray.

10/ How does the GEOSHIELD Sleep mat work?

Geopathic Stress exists in the upper range of EMFs. Geopathic Stress can be harmful when sleeping. GEOSHIELD Sleep mat blocks geopathic radiation with its industry-proven multi-layered, shielding technology*. Its PEMF Sleep Entrainment    system compensates for the loss of Schumann resonance caused by the Faraday effect due to the built environment (i.e., rebar-reinforced concrete).


11/ How do I set up my GEOSHIELD Sleep mat?

The logo must be placed at the head of the bed where you place your pillow. Clear and detailed instructions are provided in your Owner's Manual.

12/ If the GEOSHIELD Sleep mat is plugged in, does it give off EMFs?

GEOSHIELD Sleep mat is designed with that in mind and EMF levels are not detectable with a meter when the mat is placed beneath a mattress, while the PEMF is engaged, and when it is turned off. The controller emits a certain level of EMFs only when the meter is in close proximity. It is to be left hanging down at the side of the bed, away from the pillow.

13/ How do you use the PEMF application?

Plug the GEOSHIELD Sleep mat into your wall outlet (you may leave it plugged in – negligible EMFs). When ready to sleep, press the ON button (blue changes to green) on the control box to engage the pre-programmed PEMF cycle. The PEMF Sleep Entrainement    program has a proprietary combination of frequencies designed to help support restful sleep. When the intermittent 8-hour cycle is complete, it will automatically turn off. (3.5 intermittent hours of PEMF). 


14/ I have been using the GEOSHIELD Sleep mat for several days now and have not noticed any improvement in my sleep. What could I be doing wrong?

Geopathic Stress is subtle and takes time to accumulate its effect on the body. Resolution takes on average 10 days to start noticing an effect of the mat, and about 45 days to reach its full effect.  This is why we offer a 30 or 60-day refund policy* to enable users of the mat to experience the full effect.

15/Can atmospheric conditions impact my sleep?

Yes, they can. As our bodies are composed on average of 60% water, our sensitivity like the ocean, to the lunar cycle has been observed. Typically, a full moon can impact the quality of our sleep. Some GEOSHIELD Sleep mat users have reported effects as the moon becomes full, only to experience their good sleep resuming as the full moon phase passes.

16/I have noticed that I am aging prematurely. Can the GEOSHIELD Sleep mat help slow this process down?

Nothing ages us faster than sleep over ionizing radiation (Geopathic stress). The GEOSHIELD Sleep mat is designed to block this aging factor to help enhance deep sleep. Studies have shown that deep sleep supports growth hormone production which can lead to cellular repair and renewal (anti-aging). The production of melatonin, a major anti-oxidant, is enhanced as well through deep sleep.

17/I noticed the metal bead tester included with Geoshield vibrates when placed directly on the mat. After placing Geoshield under my mattress, I noticed the bead does not vibrate when placed on top of my mattress. Is the PEMF still effective?

Yes, through a 46 cm thick mattress (18 inches), the PEMF is reduced from 100 mT down to 1 mT. The standard mattress is 10 to 12 inches. Studies show that for a sleep cycle on a full-body PEMF mat, even .01 mT still maintains its therapeutic benefit. Schumann waves emitted by the earth are not typically detectable in the sleep location due to rebar-reinforced concrete in the built environment

18/How does the GEOSHIELD Sleep mat compare with other devices that offer to harmonize or balance geopathic radiation?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), radiation exposure should be as low as possible (alpha, beta, gamma particles). A certain amount of background radiation is unavoidable. Sleeping over Geopathic Stress can increase your exposure to ionizing radiation. Attempting to 'balance', 'clear' 'harmonize', or 'transform' ionizing radiation does not work. The only safe and effective solution is to shield from it with industry-proven radiation shielding to help reduce exposure. To demonstrate the inefficacy of attempting to 'harmonize' ionizing radiation, we can use sunbathing without protection as an example: using a 'harmonizing' device tuned to the wavelengths of UV light. This approach cannot prevent sunburn or damage to the skin. Only effective shielding can help prevent this from occurring. It is highly unlikely that a radiologist would be willing to replace what they currently use for protection from ionizing effects of X-rays, with a 'clearing', 'balancing' 'harmonizing', or 'transforming' device.

19/ How does the GEOSHIELD Sleep mat differ from health mats offering heat during sleep?

GEOSHIELD Sleep mat is designed exclusively for sleep. We do not use any form of heat. It is well documented that attaining deep, quality sleep requires reduced temperature. Heat is an oxidizer and is an aspect of the Sympathetic nervous system response (stimulation) which you would like to avoid as much as possible during sleep.

20/Does GEOSHIELD offer a model with healing crystals?

No, we do not include these stones as they may act as a source of amplification of harmful Geopathic rays.

21/ How does the GEOSHIELD Sleep mat compare to a Shungite mat or ball?

The source of Shungite is a meteorite that collided with the earth in Russia. When tested with a Geiger counter, it typically demonstrates increased radioactivity. Shungite does not protect against ionizing radiation. It contributes to ionizing radiation.


22/Are there similarities between a grounding mat and a GEOSHIELD Sleep mat?

A grounding mat is designed to remedy the problem of elevated body voltage. It is useful if you are living in a building that has faulty grounding. This is a common problem and can be verified by a specialized electrician. Important to note is that a grounding mat will not provide beneficial Schumann resonance (ultra-low frequency). A grounding mat can act as an antenna that captures and therefore may block beneficial frequencies, similar to the undesirable effects of rebar-reinforced concrete in the built environment. Grounding mats do not offer any degree of 'protective' shielding from ultra-high frequency vertical radiation.

23/ Are beds made with metallic coil springs something to be concerned about?

Yes. Metallic coil springs in mattresses and box springs act as multiple antennae that broadcast low-level EMFs throughout the bed. This problem can be averted with a non-metallic bed. Numerous companies manufacture coil-free beds. Choose a mattress made with natural materials that produce the minimum off-gassing of chemicals. 

24/How do I know the GEOSHIELD Sleep mat protects me from Geopathic radiation?

The GEOSHIELD Sleep mat is designed to block 100% of Geopathic radiation using industry-proven radiation shielding materials.  It is impossible to harmonize or balance ionizing radiation, therefore we do not offer that as a solution.

25/What waveform does GEOSHIELD Sleep mat deliver through its' proprietary PEMF Sleep Entrainment   system?

GEOSHIELD’s PEMF Sleep Entrainment   uses the Sine waveform, to deliver a unique sequence of frequencies (at low intensity) to help enhance deep sleep cycles.


26/What is the difference between a SINE waveform and other waveforms?

A Sine wave is referred to as a 'harmonious' configured wave as found in nature. Sunlight is an example of a harmonious wave. According to Paul Schmidt***, any other waveforms like the square, triangular, sawtooth, ramped, etc. are waveforms that may cause an energetic deficit. He states that every organ and cell in the human body operates at a certain frequency and that vitality is defined 'as the sum total of all the frequencies found in the body. An energy deficit at any frequency is like turning off the power current to those organ or cell structures, leading to the eventual loss of function.'

27/I own a PEMF mat. Can't I just slip it under my mattress?

All PEMF mats currently on the market are designed for daytime use. The GEOSHIELD Sleep mat is specifically designed for sleep. Other PEMF mats do not offer Geopathic radiation shielding.

28/Can GEOSHIELD Sleep mat be used with a motorized bed?

It depends on the position of the motor mechanism. ONLY beds with mattresses that are elevated from a platform under the mattress are suitable for a GEOSHIELD mat. Models with an electrical adjustment that works directly on the mattress CANNOT be used, as this will cause damage to the mat. Children mustn't jump on a futon/mattress positioned over wooden slats to avoid damage to the functional integrity of the GEOSHIELD mat. Motorized beds may be a source of unwanted EMFs, therefore it is best to verify this with a qualified EMF expert. Please refer to the Product page re: MOTORIZED BEDS

29/ Can a GEOSHIELD Sleep mat be installed on top of wooden slats beneath a futon/mattress?

Yes, provided the space between the slats is no wider than 2 inches. This is important to maintain the functional integrity of the internal components of the GEOSHIELD mat. Please refer to the Product page re: MOTORIZED BEDS

30/Can I prolong the sleep cycle beyond 8 hrs. ex: if I want to sleep longer?

If you get up at some point during the sleep cycle to relieve yourself, or drink water, etc., you can stop and then restart the GEOSHIELD PEMF program again. It will turn off automatically when the cycle is completed.

31/ Are there any contraindications that I need to be aware of prior to purchasing a GEOSHIELD Sleep?

Yes. Please refer to the Product page re: CONTRAINDICATIONS

32/Are there any other products being offered by GEOSHIELD Inc.?

Our R&D team is hard at work designing the expanded GEOSHIELD technology collection, including GEOSHIELD Baby, GEOSHIELD Work, GEOSHIELD Pet, and GEOSHIELD Tiles.

*Bioresonance, According to Paul Schmidt, Author Dietmar Heimes - pg. 22, 2004 edition

**Bioresonance, According to Paul Schmidt, Author Dietmar Heimes - pg. 78 & 86, 2004 edition

***Bioresonance, According to Paul Schmidt, Author Dietmar Heimes – pg. 140, 2004 edition

Your questions answered...

1/What results can I expect from a GEOSHIELD Sleep mat?

The GEOSHIELD Sleep provides effective shielding against unwanted stimulation from vertical ionizing radiation where you sleep while delivering essential vital Schumann resonance. The results are enhanced deeper sleep and the benefits of that. GEOSHIELD Sleep mat is not a panacea; it helps optimize a healthy lifestyle by supporting restorative sleep. You can expect noticeable benefits within as little as several days, up to several weeks. Results will vary based on length of exposure to Geopathic stress, sleep hygiene, diet, chronic health issues, pH*, and dental infections*.

​(*according to authors Dr. Paul Schmidt and Dr. Josef Issels)

2/Does the GEOSHIELD Sleep mat help resolve sensitivities to EHS/EMF sensitivity (Electro Hypersensitivity/Electromagnetic sensitivity?)

Yes, some people using a GEOSHIELD mat will notice over time decreased sensitivity. The GEOSHIELD Sleep mat is designed to address VERTICAL Ionizing Radiation (VIR) in the high range on the EMF spectrum.  If you suffer from sensitivity to HORIZONTAL Non-ionizing man-made EMFs. i.e. dirty electricity, WiFi, smart meters, 3, 4, and 5G, you may consider shielding from the low range of the EMF spectrum.

3/ If I experience Therapy Resistance could this explain why I derive minimal benefit from daytime PEMF therapy, even after extended use?

Yes, and this may also explain why other efforts may have limited effect i.e., Sleep, diet, exercise, meditation, and so on. Geopathic radiation may be an overlooked, underlying contributing factor to “why no matter what you try, nothing seems to be working.” 

4/ How can I know if I am sleeping in a geopathically-stressed location?

According to Paul Schmidt**, (Building Biology Specialist/Engineer), “the distribution of negative earth energies inevitably causes a disturbance point in almost every sleep location.” You can hire a qualified Radiesthesist (dowser) to survey your sleep environment. Alternatively, you can audit your sleep patterns with our GEOSHIELD Stress Test.

5/ How can I know if I need the GEOSHIELD Sleep mat?

It will depend on the quality of your sleep and how well you feel. Your score on the GEOSHIELD Stress Test can also help you determine if you need one. (Keep in mind that a high score can be attributed to exposure to Geopathic rays where you sleep, or a lack of beneficial Schumann resonance due to the rebar reinforced concrete foundation in the building you live in, or a combination of both).

6/ If I am exposed to Geopathic radiation how may this impact my overall well-being?

According to Jane Thurnell Reid, Researcher & Dowsing specialist in Geopathic Stress, “When a person sleeps or sits above negative radiation this exposure results in Geopathic Stress. The body is constantly struggling to cope, resulting in the production of large quantities of stress hormones. Geopathic Stress can have a debilitating effect on the body, leaving it susceptible to bacteria and viruses.” 

7/ How can I know if where I live is blocking essential earth frequencies (Schumann resonance)?

Buildings built after 1958 are constructed with rebar reinforced concrete, relative to building codes. However, there are buildings constructed before that time that have rebar reinforced concrete as well. You would need to inquire into the records of the building or ask an expert to verify this for you.

8/ Can you explain what impact the 'built environment' has on sleep?

Human brain waves are synchronized to the frequency emitted by the Earth (Schumann resonance). As the earth rotates away from the sun, the Schumann frequency lowers and at the same time, our brainwave activity normally lowers to prepare us for sleep. As the earth rotates towards the sun, the Schumann frequency increases and so do our brainwaves, preparing us for activity. The built environment may cut us off from this vital Schumann resonance. ​PEMF is a technology that emits frequencies that can be used to replace Schumann resonance loss due to the Faraday Effect created by rebar reinforced concrete.

9/ What is the difference between EMF and GEOPATHIC radiation?

EMF (Electromagnetic Frequencies) encompasses a scale from extremely low to ultra-high frequency. Geopathic radiations are naturally occurring LOW INTENSITY, and range from medium to ultra-high frequency on the EMF scale. They can include IONIZING radiations, such as Gamma and X-Ray.

10/ How does the GEOSHIELD Sleep mat work?

Geopathic Stress exists in the upper range of EMFs. Geopathic Stress can be harmful when sleeping. GEOSHIELD Sleep mat blocks geopathic radiation with its industry-proven multi-layered, shielding technology*. Its PEMF Sleep Entrainment    system compensates for the loss of Schumann resonance caused by the Faraday effect due to the built environment (i.e., rebar-reinforced concrete).


11/ How do I set up my GEOSHIELD Sleep mat?

The logo must be placed at the head of the bed where you place your pillow. Clear and detailed instructions are provided in your Owner's Manual.

12/ If the GEOSHIELD Sleep mat is plugged in, does it give off EMFs?

GEOSHIELD Sleep mat is designed with that in mind and EMF levels are not detectable with a meter when the mat is placed beneath a mattress, while the PEMF is engaged, and when it is turned off. The controller emits a certain level of EMFs only when the meter is in close proximity. It is to be left hanging down at the side of the bed, away from the pillow.

13/ How do you use the PEMF application?

Plug the GEOSHIELD Sleep mat into your wall outlet (you may leave it plugged in – negligible EMFs). When ready to sleep, press the ON button (blue changes to green) on the control box to engage the pre-programmed PEMF cycle. The PEMF Sleep Entrainement    program has a proprietary combination of frequencies designed to help support restful sleep. When the intermittent 8-hour cycle is complete, it will automatically turn off. (3.5 intermittent hours of PEMF). 


14/ I have been using the GEOSHIELD Sleep mat for several days now and have not noticed any improvement in my sleep. What could I be doing wrong?

Geopathic Stress is subtle and takes time to accumulate its effect on the body. Resolution takes on average 10 days to start noticing an effect of the mat, and about 45 days to reach its full effect.  This is why we offer a 30 or 60-day refund policy* to enable users of the mat to experience the full effect.

15/Can atmospheric conditions impact my sleep?

Yes, they can. As our bodies are composed on average of 60% water, our sensitivity like the ocean, to the lunar cycle has been observed. Typically, a full moon can impact the quality of our sleep. Some GEOSHIELD Sleep mat users have reported effects as the moon becomes full, only to experience their good sleep resuming as the full moon phase passes.

16/I have noticed that I am aging prematurely. Can the GEOSHIELD Sleep mat help slow this process down?

Nothing ages us faster than sleep over ionizing radiation (Geopathic stress). The GEOSHIELD Sleep mat is designed to block this aging factor to help enhance deep sleep. Studies have shown that deep sleep supports growth hormone production which can lead to cellular repair and renewal (anti-aging). The production of melatonin, a major anti-oxidant, is enhanced as well through deep sleep.

17/I noticed the metal bead tester included with Geoshield vibrates when placed directly on the mat. After placing Geoshield under my mattress, I noticed the bead does not vibrate when placed on top of my mattress. Is the PEMF still effective?

Yes, through a 46 cm thick mattress (18 inches), the PEMF is reduced from 100 mT down to 1 mT. The standard mattress is 10 to 12 inches. Studies show that for a sleep cycle on a full-body PEMF mat, even .01 mT still maintains its therapeutic benefit. Schumann waves emitted by the earth are not typically detectable in the sleep location due to rebar-reinforced concrete in the built environment

18/How does the GEOSHIELD Sleep mat compare with other devices that offer to harmonize or balance geopathic radiation?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), radiation exposure should be as low as possible (alpha, beta, gamma particles). A certain amount of background radiation is unavoidable. Sleeping over Geopathic Stress can increase your exposure to ionizing radiation. Attempting to 'balance', 'clear' 'harmonize', or 'transform' ionizing radiation does not work. The only safe and effective solution is to shield from it with industry-proven radiation shielding to help reduce exposure. To demonstrate the inefficacy of attempting to 'harmonize' ionizing radiation, we can use sunbathing without protection as an example: using a 'harmonizing' device tuned to the wavelengths of UV light. This approach cannot prevent sunburn or damage to the skin. Only effective shielding can help prevent this from occurring. It is highly unlikely that a radiologist would be willing to replace what they currently use for protection from ionizing effects of X-rays, with a 'clearing', 'balancing' 'harmonizing', or 'transforming' device.

19/ How does the GEOSHIELD Sleep mat differ from health mats offering heat during sleep?

GEOSHIELD Sleep mat is designed exclusively for sleep. We do not use any form of heat. It is well documented that attaining deep, quality sleep requires reduced temperature. Heat is an oxidizer and is an aspect of the Sympathetic nervous system response (stimulation) which you would like to avoid as much as possible during sleep.

20/Does GEOSHIELD offer a model with healing crystals?

No, we do not include these stones as they may act as a source of amplification of harmful Geopathic rays.

21/ How does the GEOSHIELD Sleep mat compare to a Shungite mat or ball?

The source of Shungite is a meteorite that collided with the earth in Russia. When tested with a Geiger counter, it typically demonstrates increased radioactivity. Shungite does not protect against ionizing radiation. It contributes to ionizing radiation.


22/Are there similarities between a grounding mat and a GEOSHIELD Sleep mat?

A grounding mat is designed to remedy the problem of elevated body voltage. It is useful if you are living in a building that has faulty grounding. This is a common problem and can be verified by a specialized electrician. Important to note is that a grounding mat will not provide beneficial Schumann resonance (ultra-low frequency). A grounding mat can act as an antenna that captures and therefore may block beneficial frequencies, similar to the undesirable effects of rebar-reinforced concrete in the built environment. Grounding mats do not offer any degree of 'protective' shielding from ultra-high frequency vertical radiation.

23/ Are beds made with metallic coil springs something to be concerned about?

Yes. Metallic coil springs in mattresses and box springs act as multiple antennae that broadcast low-level EMFs throughout the bed. This problem can be averted with a non-metallic bed. Numerous companies manufacture coil-free beds. Choose a mattress made with natural materials that produce the minimum off-gassing of chemicals. 

24/How do I know the GEOSHIELD Sleep mat protects me from Geopathic radiation?

The GEOSHIELD Sleep mat is designed to block 100% of Geopathic radiation using industry-proven radiation shielding materials.  It is impossible to harmonize or balance ionizing radiation, therefore we do not offer that as a solution.

25/What waveform does GEOSHIELD Sleep mat deliver through its' proprietary PEMF Sleep Entrainment   system?

GEOSHIELD’s PEMF Sleep Entrainment   uses the Sine waveform, to deliver a unique sequence of frequencies (at low intensity) to help enhance deep sleep cycles.


26/What is the difference between a SINE waveform and other waveforms?

A Sine wave is referred to as a 'harmonious' configured wave as found in nature. Sunlight is an example of a harmonious wave. According to Paul Schmidt***, any other waveforms like the square, triangular, sawtooth, ramped, etc. are waveforms that may cause an energetic deficit. He states that every organ and cell in the human body operates at a certain frequency and that vitality is defined 'as the sum total of all the frequencies found in the body. An energy deficit at any frequency is like turning off the power current to those organ or cell structures, leading to the eventual loss of function.'

27/I own a PEMF mat. Can't I just slip it under my mattress?

All PEMF mats currently on the market are designed for daytime use. The GEOSHIELD Sleep mat is specifically designed for sleep. Other PEMF mats do not offer Geopathic radiation shielding.

28/Can GEOSHIELD Sleep mat be used with a motorized bed?

It depends on the position of the motor mechanism. ONLY beds with mattresses that are elevated from a platform under the mattress are suitable for a GEOSHIELD mat. Models with an electrical adjustment that works directly on the mattress CANNOT be used, as this will cause damage to the mat. Children mustn't jump on a futon/mattress positioned over wooden slats to avoid damage to the functional integrity of the GEOSHIELD mat. Motorized beds may be a source of unwanted EMFs, therefore it is best to verify this with a qualified EMF expert. Please refer to the Product page re: MOTORIZED BEDS

29/ Can a GEOSHIELD Sleep mat be installed on top of wooden slats beneath a futon/mattress?

Yes, provided the space between the slats is no wider than 2 inches. This is important to maintain the functional integrity of the internal components of the GEOSHIELD mat. Please refer to the Product page re: MOTORIZED BEDS

30/Can I prolong the sleep cycle beyond 8 hrs. ex: if I want to sleep longer?

If you get up at some point during the sleep cycle to relieve yourself, or drink water, etc., you can stop and then restart the GEOSHIELD PEMF program again. It will turn off automatically when the cycle is completed.

31/ Are there any contraindications that I need to be aware of prior to purchasing a GEOSHIELD Sleep?

Yes. Please refer to the Product page re: CONTRAINDICATIONS

32/Are there any other products being offered by GEOSHIELD Inc.?

Our R&D team is hard at work designing the expanded GEOSHIELD technology collection, including GEOSHIELD Baby, GEOSHIELD Work, GEOSHIELD Pet, and GEOSHIELD Tiles.

33/I am using the GeoshieldSleep mat, yet I am still experiencing some difficulties sleeping. Is there something I am missing?

The GeoshieldSleep mat is designed to block 100% of Geopathic radiation. It does not address the problem of man-made dirty electricity. Wheter you have a dirty electricity can be verified with a Graham-Stetzer Micro Surge meter.  If this problem is detected where you sleep, you would be advised to correct it. It is also important to verify if your home's wiring circuitry is faulty. Faulty circuitry can potentially make dirty electricity worse. Consult with an expert.

34/I have a PEMF Mat and haven't add much benefits from it over the years.  Could it be that I'm dehydrated?

PEMF function through the use of electromagnetic field in order to stimulate the body's natural healing process.  Our body is composed of about 70% water.  If we are dehydrated, the cells may be less responsive, hindering the effectiveness of PEMF therapy. 

*Bioresonance, According to Paul Schmidt, Author Dietmar Heimes - pg. 22, 2004 edition

**Bioresonance, According to Paul Schmidt, Author Dietmar Heimes - pg. 78 & 86, 2004 edition

***Bioresonance, According to Paul Schmidt, Author Dietmar Heimes – pg. 140, 2004 edition


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The information provided on is intended for educational and research purposes only. We recognize that this information may not be endorsed by the scientific or medical communities. Insights shared are based on perspectives from medical doctors and researchers across Europe, Asia, and North America. Geoshield Inc. does not diagnose, treat, mitigate, prevent, or cure any disease or medical condition. This content is not a substitute for professional medical advice. We strongly recommend consulting a licensed healthcare professional before starting any complementary approach to well-being. Geoshield Inc. is not responsible or liable for any information provided on this website or for the use of any products, which should be used solely for personal education and research. If you are experiencing any health symptoms, please seek the advice of your licensed healthcare provider. Please note that Geoshield Inc. makes no claims that any information or products on this website are supported by mainstream science or approved by the FDA or Health Canada.

© 2024 Geoshield, Inc. All rights reserved. 

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