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Join our team
to help make a difference!

Healthcare Providers

Healthcare providers dedicated to supporting their patients' well-being are invited to become part of our affiliate network.

  • Acupuncturists

  • Chiropractors

  • Massage Therapists

  • Osteopaths

  • Naturopaths

  • Nutritional Consultants

  • Functional Medicine Practitioners

  • General Practitioners

  • Homeopaths

  • Pediatricians

  • Oncologists

  • Medical Intuitive

  • Lifestyle and Health Coaches

  • Sleep Psychologists 

  • Psychiatrists

  • Transpersonal Therapists

  • Trauma Therapists

  • Physio Therapists


If your patients have sought help from a multitude of protocols yet have experienced minimal results, they may be suffering from what we call 'Therapy Resistance'.


We suggest using our GEOSHIELD SLEEP QUIZ to verify if invisible simulation during sleep may be a contributing factor.


Learn more about our Affiliate Program

Contact us with any questions at for details.


Chiropractic practitioners
Health conscious poeple
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