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Is poor-quality sleep ruining your health?

Struggling to sleep_

Harnessing technology
and nature for a better life

Discover a subtle connection between 
environmental stress, lack of restorative sleep
and 'therapy resistance'


A patented sleep system

engineered to support nightly repair

Geoshield is the only user-friendly sleep accessory to feature

PEMF Sleep Entrainment   and Geopathic Radiation Shielding Technology.    


Geoshield Sleep mat


Unlock the healing power
of your sleep

Reduce stress

Reduce Stress

Remove negative stimulation 

Optimize immune system

Optimize Immunity

 Prevent immune system fatigue 

Enhance longevity

Enhance Longevity

Optimize restorative sleep


Nighttime should be your favorite healing time!

Take The Geoshield Stress Test  

Discover if Geopathic Stress may be negatively impacting your sleep and holding you back from living your best life.

A little miracle

I was beyond desperate, as years of lack of sleep was affecting my health. I had used Melatonin and as many natural sleep aids possible. Nothing worked, even the CBDs which after a few days made me very ill. I was skeptical when I first heard about the Geoshield Sleep mat. It was not an overnight miracle. It was a process. Some good nights, others not as good, but finally within a few weeks things began to change. Almost every night brought me sweet dreams and healing to my body. I would recommend it to all my friends and anyone with health and sleeping problems.


- Marlene H

Geoshield Q&A

Can negative earth energy be over stimulating me while I sleep?

Yes! Sleeping over geopathic radiation can stimulate you, interfering with restorative sleep. Exposure to it is like sleeping with the lights on!

Can living in the built environment cut me off from the benefits of Nature

Yes! That's why we may feel better when we spend time outdoors. We need the benefits of positive Schumann resonance, especially during sleep.

How do I know if I'm Therapy Resistant?

Sleep is a form of therapy If sleep is not replenishing you the way it is supposed to, then you may be therapy resistant. Take the Geoshield Stress Test to find out.


The Better Sleep Plan

Take the Geoshield Stress Test  
Evaluate your sleep by answering these questions

Determine how many mats you need
GEOSHIELD comes in one size

Unlock your potential for vitality
Place your GEOSHIELD mat under your mattress. At bedtime, simply press the ON button. It turns off when completed.

Sleep stress quiz
 Restorative sleep
Determine the dimensions of your bed

Quick Links

Innovation For Life



The website was designed to provide information. We acknowledge that the information may not be recognized by the Scientific or Medical community. The Information offers a perspective gleaned by Medical doctors and researchers in Europe, Asia, and North America. All information on this website is for educational/research purposes. In providing this information, Geoshield Inc. Is not diagnosing, treating, mitigating, preventing, or curing any type of disease. or medical condition. Nor is the information provided intended to replace the care of a Licensed Medical professional. Before beginning any type of complementary approach to well-being, it is advisable to seek the advice of a licensed Health Care Professional.  Geoshield Inc. is in no way responsible or liable for the educational information provided on this website, nor for the use of any products for anything other than personal education and research. If you are experiencing any symptoms, we suggest you seek the advice of your licensed healthcare professional. Geoshield Inc. makes no claims that any information or product(s) on its website are supported by mainstream science nor approved by the FDA or Health Canada.

© 2024 Geoshield, Inc. All rights reserved. 

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